Superb Fairy-wren Sounds at Lake Wendouree Spring 2015 - Part2

03th November2015

Superb Fairy-wren Sounds at Lake Wendouree Spring 2015 - Part2

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Superb Fairy-wren Sounds at Lake Wendouree, Spring 2015 - PART2 What a tiny bird with deafening terrific sounds! BLUE WREN male (Malurus cyaneus cyanochlamys) @ Lake Wendouree Sounds of Superb Fairy-wren birds both the male Blue Wren and the female Brown Fairy Wren found at mainland Australia here in Ballarat, Victoria. Apparently, the ones you see in Tasmania

Superb Fairy-wren Sounds at Lake Wendouree Spring 2015 - Part1

02th November2015

Superb Fairy-wren Sounds at Lake Wendouree Spring 2015 - Part1

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Superb Fairy-wren Sounds at Lake Wendouree Spring 2015 - Part1 BLUE WREN (Malurus cyaneus cyanochlamys) @ Lake Wendouree Walking by the lake and listen to the sound of nature. The loudest and higher tone birds are the Superb Fairywren or Blue Wren (M. c. cyanochlamys)   found on this area of the lake. I could not see the birds

Attitude or ADDitude #Quote

01th November2015

Attitude or ADDitude #Quote

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Attitude or ADDitude #Quote Image
Attitude or ADDitude? Nope, the additude is not meant to be dyslexic spelling. Is it called ADDitude or attitude to make communication more sense? If a person does not actually ask questions back regarding you and you just keep asking about them, you might as well pre-diagnose their intention or attitude. ADDitude is the new terminology to make